North America
Outside of North America
+49 6102 5070
Americas & Canada
Mon-Fri: 6:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. MST
Sat: 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. MST
Sun: Closed
United Kingdom and Ireland
+44 1293 842404
0 (800) 085 5377
Europe and Asia (except U.K.),
+49 6102 5070
Middle East, Africa and Asia
+44 1293 842404
Toll-Free (Germany, France,
Austria, & Switzerland):
00 800 5377 3736
+61 07 3105 9480
1800 149 658
Whether you rely on computer-based or online flight planning, we have the tools to meet your needs.
Important Notice: Jeppesen has completed the initial pre-release testing Microsoft Windows 7 and we are pleased to announce that JeppView, FliteDeck, FliteStar and JIFP (Jeppesen Internet Flight Planner) are all supported on this new operating system in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Simplify and enhance your flight planning experience with our newest web-based tool.
You'll never have to worry about your enroute chart data being out-of-date with JIFP, the premier Internet Flight Planning application.
We make sure you have the full weather picture before you take off with our Worldwide Weather for FliteStar.
Take advantage of the conveniences of NavSuite, the fully integrated flight planning and charting solution set.
Want to get a jump on all the options, resources and information available at Click the button below to get started today!
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